<style> .st-accordion ul li{ height:auto; } .st-accordion ul li > a span{ visibility:hidden; } </style> Grupo Corporativo Mayo

The GRUPO MAYO is integrated by five strategic business units, dealing with manufacturing
and distribution of electrical equipment.

Meeting the needs of an increasing national and international market demand, the Grupo Corporativo Mayo has an adequate logistics structure, having offices in the cities of Villa Nueva – central office – Villa Maria and Cordoba (Cordoba Province), Rosario (Santa Fe Province), Paso de los Libres (Corrientes Province) and representative offices in Buenos Aires city and other strategic points of the country.
In May the staff of MAYO TRANSFORMADORES visited the international exposition “CWIEME” in the city of Berlin, Germany.
Mayo Transformadores SRL inaugurated their fifth industrial plant in the city of Villa Maria.
The engineering staff and the authorities of Mayo Transformadores SRL visited the international exposition "FIEE" in the city of San Pablo, Brazil.

Av. Carranza y 25 de Mayo (5903) Villa Nueva, Córdoba, Argentina
International calls: 0054 353 4918601
Fax International: 0054 353 4918666

We produce for the people who work with energy
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